RNLI Cemaes Branch R.N.L.I.

* For further details click on the illustrations on the left of the page!

The first Cemaes Bay lifeboat station was established in 1872, costing £182.00, when the 32ft. self-righting lifeboat "Sophia" was transferred from Cemlyn to Cemaes.

On the 29th of May 1876, the "Sofia" was sent to the Skerries Lighthouse, and brought ashore eight men, whose provisions had run out and because of the heavy seas that were running, their regular supply ship had been unable to reach them.

At 7.00a.m., on the 14th of October 1877, the "S.S. Sarah" out of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, went aground on the Middle Mouse rocks and the Cemaes lifeboat "Ashtonian" was launched in a south-westerly gale, gusting to hurricane force. The 18 crewmen were found sheltering on the rocks and the master requested an attempt be made to tow the vessel off the rocks. At 3.00p.m. in the afternoon, all hope of salvage was abandoned and the crewmen were brought ashore.
On the 5th October 1885 , the "Ashtonian" was launched into heavy surf, and was struck by a huge wave, washing  four of the crew overboard. Fortunately, the lifeboat righted herself and the crewmen were rescued. The lifeboat was then towed by a steam tug to assist the "S.S. Earl of Chatham",  aground near West Mouse Island. The crew were rescued and, after a fruitless search for stowaways, the vessel was abandoned after bringing ashore the ship's papers and the crew's clothing.
In 1907, a new lifeboat house and slipway were constructed on land that was granted by Mrs. Hughes, together with the Trustees of the Wylfa estate, it cost £3,480.00 to construct and housed the lifeboat the "Charles Henry Ashley" until 1932, when the Cemaes Lifeboat Station closed.

The picture above, taken just before a Duck Race commenced, encapsulates our approach to fundraising in the Cemaes Bay Branch of the R.N.L.I.. We all appreciate the how serious is the need to raise funds for the Institution, but we make sure that we have a hell of a good time whilst doing it.

Why Not Join Us?

For details contact; The Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Barbara Kinsella, Bron Wylfa, Cemaes Bay, Anglesey


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